Saturday, February 25, 2012

Love songs

I had somewhat of a epiphany while I was at worship practice the other night.

I have always heard people pray before worship by thanking God that we live in a country where we can "freely worship him." I've always felt sort of guilty and uncomfortable when they say this, because frankly, I've never shared the same intense gratitude as some have. I know that I should be thankful that I do not live in communist China, where many Christians have been persecuted for their faith. The problem is that I just don't feel that heavy burden that others may feel.

Putting guilt aside, I asked myself, "Well, in what other ways can you be thankful in terms of musical worship?"

Then I started to think about the Current. In the past week I've been really enjoying turning my dial to 89.3 and hearing some really talented musicians. As I've been listening to some awesome songs, I am hearing lyrics, I am hearing notes, and I am hearing passion. But I keep wondering, who are they singing to? Who are they singing for? Why are they singing? Where is this passion coming from, and where is it being channeled?

Whenever I hear songs that are written for any other purpose than to give glory to God or to point people towards God, I feel such an emptiness whenever I listen to them. I wonder, what does this musician feel after they've created and performed such a great work of art? When they are singing lyrics about a woman, things in nature, war, peace, their life--Do they experience hope? After the crowds cheer and their adrenaline is pumping, do they feel as though they have done something that surpasses all joy? Do they feel whole?

As I was singing the other night, my voice had begun to get very sore by the end of the practice. But as I was singing lyrics like, "You are my supply, my breath of life," I thought, for who else other than the Lord God Almighty--the Creator of heaven and earth--should my voice be sore from singing?

Then I realized that I did have something to be thankful for:

I am thankful I don't have to sing songs about whether war will ever cease, because He has already brought peace. I am thankful I don't have to sing songs about brokenness because He is the one who can heal pain. I am thankful that I don't have to sing songs about whether there's a man out there who can love me and take care of me because He is strength of my heart and my portion forever.

I am thankful that I can have the satisfaction of singing to someone with all of my heart and all of my strength who deserves to be sung to. There is no questioning about what this "life" is for or who this life is for--the answer is Jesus.

I am thankful--sometimes even overjoyed--when my voice is tired and my fingers are numb because it is all in the pursuit of giving glory and honor to my brilliant Creator, my Father in heaven, my Redeemer and Friend, Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. "I am thankful that I can have the satisfaction of singing to someone with all of my heart and all of my strength who deserves to be sung to." Right on.
