Saturday, March 7, 2015

Poured out

This week I was grabbed by this thought: when I give my time and resources to others, am I only giving when it is out of abundance, when I have a "surplus"?

Meeting the needs of others should never be dependent on whether or not I decide if I want to give at that moment. I am called to be generous. I am called to be poured out as a living sacrifice because that's exactly what Christ did for me.

The Father lavishly gave me freedom and life through the death and resurrection of his Son. I did not earn life, and yet He gave me life. Why would I withhold anything for myself, knowing that I have received such a precious gift? Does a person need to first "earn" my time with them? Does giving need a valid argument or supporting facts? By no means!

I am called to be poured out because it was He who was first poured out. When my bank account is dwindling and my eyes are strained, my head aching, and mind numb, that is when the Lord still calls me to give. Give when I have nothing left, because that is exactly what I have: nothing.

When I can admit this, that I have absolutely nothing to offer, that is when He is able to do His work and incredible things happen. But only when I am fully and completely dependent on Him. And guess what? He fills me completely with whatever it is I am lacking and the results are always miraculous.

"A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a cent. Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on.” Mark 12:42-44

I don't want to miss any more opportunities where God could use what little I have. I don't want to withhold simply because I do not "feel" like giving. People cannot wait for my leftovers; people cannot wait for my selfish heart to turn towards them.

 Here's to being poured out, no matter how I'm feeling.
