Thursday, May 30, 2013

My "Calling"

I read something the other day that stirred me. I read an article that focused on finding one's "calling" and it said that especially among twenty-somethings while on their noble quest end up never staying at a job for more than a year. Well, it sure seems like the article was talking about me.

What I liked about the article was how it persuaded me not to think of my calling as something that I will one day achieve or finally discover, as if it were buried treasure. There is no right answer to this question. My calling is how I choose to live out my life in my relationships, my job, my thoughts, my attitude, and my hobbies. All of the things that make up my life are in fact, all a part of my calling. Every day I am presented with different people, opportunities, situations, triumphs, and failures and my calling is to face each one of those things walking as an obedient child of God.

Food for thought.